how to get involved

  • Donate your apprenticeship levy

    We use law firms’ Apprenticeship Levy to pay for the training element of the legal apprentices’ programme. Law firms can donate up to 50% of their levy to us to train a new generation of social welfare lawyers. If you are interested in donating your levy, please get in touch. Contact us here

  • Become a contributing funder partner

    We constantly seek grant funding to test new solutions and replicate good practices. If you are interested in investing money into this programme, please get in touch. Contact us here

  • Become a corporate law firm partner

    We welcome law firms to be part of our Advice Workforce Development Fund programme. If you are interested in sharing your firm’s training and mentoring opportunities with our social welfare legal apprentices, please get in touch. Contact us here

  • Share your experience & learning

    We constantly look for good practice models that respond to workforce crises around the UK. If you are interested in sharing your experience and/or good practice, please get in touch. Contact us here

AWDF is a partnership project that explores and tests potential solutions to the workforce crisis in the advice sector based on the Advising Londoners and Mind the Gap Skills report.

We welcome your contribution in any shape or form as we constantly look for funding to test and replicate new ideas and seek new solutions of which we are unaware.