Propel-funded partners come together for successful learning session

Representatives from all eight of the Propel-funded projects came together for a highly successful and energetic learning session in March.

The event, held at the Bar Council, was led by Phil Jew and the learning partner team, and gave projects the opportunity to hear from their fellow funded partners how each project had been progressing in their first few months of delivery.  It also provided an excellent opportunity for the learning partner, the projects, and LLST as a funder, to draw out some early emerging themes – including how collaboration takes place, the impact of organisational capacity, and the need to ensure training provision is flexible as we strive to make the recruitment and training of people within the advice workforce more inclusive and accessible.

Keep checking our Resources page, where you will be able to read the Learning Partner’s six-monthly learning reports which will contain deeper information about these themes.  The first such report is due to be released in the summer.

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