Advice Workforce programme – One Year in
Cross-sector expertise, a brave and inclusive space, and the task-focussed nature of its activities were among the positive aspects of the Advice Workforce Development programme (AWDP) in its first year of operation – according to a report produced by programme evaluators from the Institute of Voluntary Action Research (IVAR).
Advice Workforce Development Programme: One year in, commissioned by the London Legal Support Trust (LLST) and authored by Dr Ambreen Shah and Katie Turner, explores AWDP’s effectiveness as a model of collaboration since its launch in 2023. It draws upon the insights of 12 people involved in the programme’s Steering Group and three task-and-finish groups, including sector experts and funders.
The report’s conclusion is that the work of the programme had been going well, and that the structures developed in its first year created future opportunities for co-designing solutions to the social welfare advice sector’s workforce challenges. One participant said:
This project is unique and feels like the only space in the sector that involves so
many voices and is so solutions focussed.
But while the early signs for the programme look promising, the report did identify several key areas for improvement, including the need to address existing power dynamics – felt particularly by some smaller organisations – to enable all members to feel able to speak freely without feeling alienated. The report recommends, among other things, involving more voices, developing a more open appointments process for partnership roles within the programme, and being more creative in harnessing people’s expertise.
Most members reported being keen to continue their engagement into year 2 and were excited at what could be achieved.
Commenting on the report, AWDP’s programme manager, Chris Scutt said:
Overall, we’re really pleased with the progress of the Advice Workforce programme in its first year – it is where it needs to be right now. But we are under no illusions that the success of the programme in year two depends on it being a space where members feel able to contribute as equal partners; and also our collective ability to align the different components of the programme to create a coherent focus for change. We see the report’s recommendations as a great opportunity to enhance the way we do things as a partnership, providing the programme with the best chance of addressing the sector’s current workforce-related challenges.
You can download a copy of the full report here.
The Advice Workforce Development programme is part of London Propel – a funder collaborative by London Funders – and brings together partners to identify, develop and test ways of attracting and sustaining an effective, sustainable and diverse advice workforce which serves Londoners at the point of need. Our thanks to the programme’s funders, and to the programme’s participants who gave up their time to contribute to the report.