our purpose
We bring people and organisations together in order to develop ways of addressing some of the key workforce challenges currently affecting the advice sector in London. Never before have so many Londoners needed access to free social welfare advice on a range of issues housing, household debt, welfare benefits, to name a few. Yet as the need increases, so do systemic workforce challenges, including the recruitment, training, retention and progression of advice sector workers.
Now, through Propel funders’ “Robust Safety Net” programme, eight community partnerships are being funded to deliver and develop innovative ways of addressing these workforce challenges. Find out more about these exciting projects here.
The eight projects are not the only part of the Advice Workforce programme. A number of task-and-finish groups made up of a range of stakeholder communities are also exploring new ways of addressing specific issues within the advice sector, such as low pay and conditions, organisational capacity- building, the role of the Apprenticeship Levy, and the need for a London-wide Advice strategy.