Following an application and shortlisting process, eight excellent projects were funded to test new and existing approaches to making the advice workforce as inclusive and sustainable as possible – with a total of £3.8m (£4.15m with match funding) from Propel funders, the City Bridge Foundation, and Trust for London being allocated for this work. Projects last between two and three years, and started at various points in 2023.
We invite you to read a brief summary of the funded projects below – and take time to learn about the projects through their case studies here.
Using a Whole Person, Whole Community Approach that AdviceUK has developed, the project will build Workforce Pathways that strengthens some of their member organisations that serve minority ethnic communities and vulnerable migrants in London. They will support vocational qualifications including Level 3 Certificate in Advice and Guidance and Level 4 Diploma in Advice and guidance.
The project will train new social welfare solicitors and support generalist advisors in local DDPOs to offer Disabled people advice in a new, holistic model. Reaching new audiences at an early stage and in accessible settings will develop a blueprint for wider replication with other DDPOs. The partnership is between Disability Law Service (DLS) and Real.
This grant will enable Deaf and Disabled peoples’ organisations (DDPOs) to develop and test three ‘grow our own’ advice workforce interventions. The partnership is between 6 DDPOs led by Inclusion Barnet, with Inclusion London providing capacity building support. The workforce interventions include traineeship ‘entry’ points into advice work for Disabled people, career progression pathways for existing advice staff into casework, supervision and support and training to develop inclusive workforce recruitment, progression and retention.
This workforce development programme will train new advisors and upskill existing staff. Trainees will undertake a one-year paid programme with knowledge-based training related to a specific advice area: welfare, housing and immigration, with training on the practices/process of advice work (Advice UK RQF Level 3 Certificate in Advice and Guidance). A development programme and holistic support provision for existing staff at all levels will be offered. This includes training in new or more complex areas of advice, robust supervision, networking/relationship development, peer support, wellbeing practices and clinical supervision.
The ‘Grow Your Own Advice’ Incubator is a pioneering workforce development programme, supporting diverse, London-based community organisations to ‘grow their own’ advice workers. This is a partnership led by Money A&E with Fair Money Advice and 15 community organisations. There will be two adviser trainee cohorts (one for debt advice and one for welfare advice) delivered over two years, each involving technical skills group training sessions, Money Mentor group sessions, soft skills training and development sessions, and 1:1 advice and support sessions for participants.
This work will support and supervise solicitor apprentices from disadvantaged communities, as well as upskilling community agencies to become more specialist legal agencies. Apprentices will be trained to become specialist solicitors in social welfare law, and advice workers and volunteers in community organisations across six boroughs will be provided with specialist casework training on key subjects.
The project will create a cohort of newly qualified solicitors across 14 boroughs. Apprenticeships will be targeted at people rooted in local and minoritized communities, with personal experience of everyday life problems. This will give opportunity to existing staff otherwise unable to afford to qualify, recruit and train people from local communities and offer paid internships to targeted groups.
Apprentices will be trained to become specialist solicitors in social welfare law, and advice workers and volunteers in community organisations will be provided with specialist casework training on key subjects.
This partnership, led by Wandsworth CAB includes four other London Citizens Advice partners. In Wandsworth, it will build the capacity of community organisations and train two fully qualified advisers. There will also be trainee opportunities for placements, and creation of resources to develop a robust pay policy and employment pathway that other London Citizens Advice partners can replicate.
This project will increase the advice workforce, as well as develop a more sustainable, diverse and community-based advice sector in Wandsworth and other local authorities.
No project or partnership is the same, expressing the rich variety of the advice sector, the many challenges, but also the many possible solutions to be tested.
A number of case studies, drawn from the first 12-18 months of delivery, bring the projects to life: telling the stories of the amazing people taking part, how and why they are taking part, and their hopes for the future.
Each of the eight projects is working with the programme’s learning partner, Advice Services Alliance, contributing to a shared learning framework which will help show which approaches work best in bringing in and keeping skilled and diverse people to the advice sector workforce.